Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And so it begins...

I am sincerely hoping that this will not be one of those projects that I excitedly start, and then eventually lose steam and abandon.  I have been planning to start a blog for a long time now and I guess that my current situation has finally given me the motivation to get my ass into gear and do something about it.

This blog for all intents and purposes will be incredibly exciting, titillating and will have you on the edge of your seat.  Some of you may laugh, some may cry, but in the end you may decide that you either love it, hate it or think that it was OK.. (Mitch Hedburg was frikken funny...RIP :( )

Let me introduce myself (in the interest of maintaining some semblance of anonymity, I won't be divulging too much..).  I am a 30 something entrepreneur, trying hard to make it in the very fickle economy during a recession, but finding it very hard at times.  I'm a single guy (there are no other guy's attached to me...Jerry Seinfeld is also frikken funny)... honest and hardworking, always willing to help others, often to my own detriment.  The last few years have made me believe in the old adage, "Nice Guys finish last".. but before I start to sound too whiny.. lemme end this post and start thinking about the exciting topic for my next post.

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