Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wabbit..I mean Job Hunting

Well.... I have started looking for new employment. Not entirely sure what I would like to do that's my first problem, second major problem is that most of the recruiters are telling me that it's still recession time and jobs are scarce. I figured that would be the case, but I thought that after 10 years I would get at least 1 or 2 bites. Anyways, got a call today about a job which has no real connection to what I do, or what I put in my CV. I guess that some people believe that if you can program in one language you can program in another... luckily though I am one of those people. I have generally had a flair for programming logic, and could always understand code even if I had never looked at the specific coding language before. Hopefully I should be able to demonstrate that in my interview (hold thumbs)..
Would be good to have a change and finally start earning a proper salary :)

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